Bookings for Social Bowls
Our club runs a comprehensive program of social bowls 12 months of the year. Its a great way to make or keep in touch with friends, improve your bowls and enjoy some friendly competition. Visitors are made most welcome.
In winter months we accommodate large numbers of bowlers from neighbouring bowling clubs looking for a high quality all weather surface.
Bookings can be made on line for our social competitions.
The Vermont South social bowls program is as follows:
October to end of March
Wednesdays 12.30 Nominated two bowl triples
Wednesday 7.30pm Three bowl triples
Thursday 12.30 Three bowls triples
April to end of September
Monday 12.15 Nominated pairs (2,4,2 format)
Tuesday 12.15 Three bowl triples
Wednesday 12.15 Nominated two bowl triples
Wednesday 7.30 Three bowl triples
Thursday 12.15 Three bowl triples
Saturday 12.15 Two bowl triples