Darts News

KEYS by Ken George

Both clubrooms have had the locks changed to the new keying matrix. The old master keys no longer operate any of the locks in either room. The gate keys are still required to access the tennis courts and bowling greens. Could all those with the old master keys with the exception of Bowls Umpires, Coaches […]


Can you Help (Safety and Environmental Officer / Bar Manager)

Safety and Environmental Officer • Safety and Environmental Officer reporting to the VSC Committee. This role can be split/shared and will be the contact point and the lead on: − Safety Policy, − Child Safety Policy, − Environmental considerations and Policy Bar Manager reporting to the VSC Committee – after years of sterling service Alex […]


Vermont South Club (Some exciting news)

Well some of you may have noticed that the “shipping containers” have been removed, as we prepare for the opening of the upgraded Vermont South Club facilities…


We’re Open and Operating COVID Safe

We would like to remind everyone that the Vermont South Club is open and operating under COVID safe conditions. Competitions and social events are back on schedule. We would like to thank everyone for their understanding and hope to see you down at the club soon.


Membership Renewal Notices for 2020/2021

A variety of reasons including COVID-19 (let’s call it 2020) has meant that we have had delays in sending out membership renewal notices. The notices will be sent in the next day or so – by the time you read this you might already have received the notice. Please ignore the subject of the email […]

We are now on Instagram (@vermontsouthclub)

Vermont South Club is now on Instagram. Follow @vermontsouthclub to see what’s happening around the club.

Trevor Holland awarded Life membership

Trevor Holland was awarded Life Membership of the Vermont South Club at the Annual General Meeting held on 30th October 2017. Here is a brief history on a man that has been involved with us since 1978. His 40 years are broken down as follows: 1978  Trevor joined the Vermont South Tennis Club. 1980 – 1984  […]

All Hail Les Champs

The darts lads held their 2013 Championships recently. Congratulations go to Les Wood, a new Club member, but obviously not a new darts player. Les, playing Neil Ramage in the final, put together two excellent games to win in straight sets. Well done Les. This week we are vacating the Lower clubhouse to play bowls. […]

Mike Emery’s Radio Interview

Our President, Mike Emery, was interviewed on Radio Eastern last week by Pam Peverelle. A transcript is available here to download and play. Duration: 18 minutes. Click here to download audio (6Mb)

New Champion for 2012

The Darts Club has just played the 2012 Championship and, for the first time since 2005, David “Stumpy” Sheehan did NOT win. He was beaten in the final by new champ Ray Spelman who played extremely well in a high class match. Ironically it was Stumpy’s last night playing darts at VSC as he has […]

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